
Hello guys....

I am up to developing a " Student Feedback Analysis" web-app..
I have used tool for prototyping my app
The main idea of this web-app to enable students to give their valuable input about teaching- learning process.

First Screen: In this screen student Roll number is taken as input form user. Database will be queried to retrieved student information like name,class and branch.
Validation to be carried out: 1) Based on valid roll number, genius students records are identified. If student record not found in the database, error message pop-up will be displayed.
2) It is checked whether  student has already provided his/her feedback. If yes, he/she will be directed to third screen else second screen will be presented.

Second Screen: This is very important screen where student will evaluate faculty based on certain criteria ( communication, subject knowledge etc). Students will rate faculty on the scale from 1 to 5 where 1 refers to Poor and 5 refers to Excellent. Once student click  Submit button, his/her feedback will be recorded in Database and application will open third screen.

Third Screen: On third screen, student will get to see total number number of students provided their feedback till now and analysis of feedback in terms of bar char for every faculty.

That it...


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