Data Modelling

Data Modeling for Student Feedback Analysis app on Hasura Platform

As a part of two month off-site internship with Hasura, I am embarked on developing a small 3-screen student feedback analysis app.
Here is the link of Three screen app idea and App wireframe/prototype 

For modeling this application I have created following three tables.

1)Student: Purpose of this table is to store student information like rollno(Primary Key), name, class and branch.

2)Faculty: Purpose of this table is to store faculty_id(primary key), name of faculty and calculated average of feedback.

3)Feedback: Purpose of this table is to store student feedback

ER Diagram for database schema is as follows
(ER diagram drawn using PonyORM on-line editor-

This ER diagram depicts two relationship.
1) One -to-many relationship between student to feedback table- depicting the fact that one student provide feedback of multiple faculties
2) One-to-many relationship between faculty to feedback table- depicting the fact that one faculty is evaluated by multiple students.


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