
Week 7 - User feedback and Testing

Week 7 - User feedback and Testing Few suggestions were received through peer review process of my Student Feedback Analysis app. These suggestions were as follows. 1) Error handling on Signup page : My app did not provide any error message when user try to signup and the system was unable to process signup request. Few of the conditions when such incident arises are a) User select too short password b) user select roll number which already been register with the system.. This suggesion is incorporated in the App by doing ERROR handling while executing SIGNUP request.. 2) Error handling on Login Page : When username and password did not match during login, the app was not displaying this error condition. This condition was resolved by providing "username/ password mismatch" error string on login page. 3) Bug : System was taking feedbak from a user which had already provided feedback. This bug was removed by writing additional code to check whether cu...

Week 8 - Final App

Week 8 - Final App Finally its time to complete my App on Student Feedback Analysis System. Thanks to all members of Hasura team  for their kind support in completion of my app. Here are the final screenshot of my App.. Login Screen Screen 1 Screen 2 Screen 3 Apart from these functionalities, provision for signup using Google Captcha was also provided.

Week 6- App Screen 3

Week 6- App Screen 3 (UI + Backend integration) Screenshot of App Screen 3 I had lot of ideas about how to analyse feedback provided by student. I took very simplistic approach to deal with this. I displayed following information on screen 1) Number of students provided feedback 2) Par score for a category 3) Scored achieved by each faculty in each category.. I created a view named feedbackview wherein total score of every faculty based on selected criteria where calculated. This total score acts as measuring scale for them.

Week 5- App Screen 2

Week 5- App Screen 2 (UI + Backend integration) Screenshot of App screen 2 This is the main screen of my App where logged in student will provide feedback of teaching-learning process. On this page, students are allowed to provide feedback of all concerned teaching staff on the scale of 1-poor to 5- excellent. When student submit feedback, system stores this feedback in the database using REST api.

Week-4 App Screen 1

Week-4 App Screen 1 (UI + Backend integration) Screenshot of screen 1 First screen of my App deals with confirming Roll number of student. When students register to this app, they will enter their basic information like roll number, class, branch . This information is retried and shown to the students when they click Proceed button. In the back-end, nodejs queries student table to fetch entries from the database. If unknown roll number is entered (roll number of non-registered student), system throws Roll number not found error. For login purpose, login page was built. For new registration of an user, signup page with incorporation G oogle reCAPTCHA feature was build. It was fun building these pages for my app Screenshot of Login Screen Here user will log in to feedback system with username or password. If the user do not have credential, he may sign up with this system. Google reCAPTCH has been used to verify human against robot. Onnce the ...

Hasura Auth API + Postman collection

Hasura Auth API + Postman collection  This link talk about Hasura Data API+ Postman Collection 1) Login Query: To login use URL Snapshot of login query in Postman is  Response to login query is  {        " hasura_roles ":[                  " user "        ],         " auth_token ":"gv31vbfgfgfgfgec002hqhzr2gfgg0ey ",        " hasura_id ": 2 } When a user logs in, a new session token is created for the user. It is set as cookie and also returned in auth_token of the response. In the above example, the session token is gv31vbfgfgfgfgec002hqhzr2gfgg0ey. The token and the associated user’s information is stored in the session store. 2) User Info:  Used URL to get use...

Hasura Data API + Postman collection

Hasura Data API + Postman collection Part I In this blog I would introduce you with Hasura Data API available for accessing database. I have used Postman tool to interact with Hasura Postgres database. To refer data modeling of my app, check out this link . What is Postman? Postman is a Google Chrome app for interacting with HTTP APIs. It presents you with a friendly GUI for constructing requests and reading responses. You can download and install postman from this link . How to use Postman to fire basic database queries on Hasura data API? 1) Sign-up Query: The authentication API has been accessed using AUTH URL provided by Hasura along with signup request. In body section, username and password is provided for new user to signup in JASON format. In response to this query, we get Authentication code that will be used in further database queries. 2) Select Query: While firing any query through Postman(except signup/logout), Authentication code is necessary. Thi...